Friday, February 6, 2009

More Irish Photos

I just put up another fifty of my photos at the website listed below. They only let you put up that many at a time, so I plan to trade them out every couple of weeks. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing the site. Thanks - Alastair!


R. Mera Velásquez said...

I wanted to comment on the Whino blog entry but mysteriously can only do so here. Whine is good for two things: making delicious meals and trying to impress your date. Since I'm no longer doing the latter, I must stick to delicious meals. It is true, however, that good wines make the meals taste better. There's nothing like a good red wine for an Italian red sauce or any derivatives thereof.

Alastair McCandless said...

I have no problem with wine itself, just the idea that some particular bottles are so much better than others. I bet you didn't have to spend a hundred bucks to find a good wine to pair with your pasta.

Anonymous said...

Bro, I couldn't agree with you more about the whole wine thing. I've gone to wine tastings before and I usually can tell little difference between the ones that I sample, except for the fact that some are whites and some are reds. I concur that some wealthy folk just buy expensive bottles of wine as a status symbol and could really care less if it tastes good. The whole affair reeks of pretension and has an American Pscyhoesque feel of equating price tag and reputation with quality. I could drink a $7 bottle of Merlot and be happy, but maybe I'm jaded because the only wine I ever drink is given to me free from Dan. And like you, I am a beer guy, so I am biased. But I wouldn't pay $100 for a beer either. Bring on the Pabst beeyatch!

R. Mera Velásquez said...

As for the pasta... I snatched a couple of red wine bottles from Dan's!